lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009


algo q escribi hace un tiempo ...

when did the human being become a destructive being??? and why did he/she so? i am still without a clear response about how did we lose the real connection with the whole nature, because we belong to this wonderful planet and all beings are our brothers and sisters...

we cannot take life as a compulsive and ambitious way full of hate and without having the conciousness that all our ancestors and all our descendents are here with us...

love is all we have, love is everything, and when we love, we become responsable for others, not in the selfish way or the false love that we were conditionned since eons... but we take the responsability of every creature of this blessed planet, and so we build in love for our children and future generation...

we must take present as an opportunity for healing ourselves and this home we call planet earth!!!

none creature must be sacrified, that is not the way of love, take another being's life: that's the way of terror, fear, corruption and distorsion of living in love ....please i ask you to stop teaching this way of living to all, our children must be growing in harmony here where we belong: mother nature!!!!! in unconditional love !!!!!!!!
thanks, peace and love,
karen, akbal hun

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